
We always strive to follow the principle of least privilege and use the minimum necessary permissions whenever possible.

The Siva Discord Bot only needs permissions that are essential for the proper functioning of the engage2earn ecosystem.

Explanation of Permissions

1. Manage Roles

The Siva Premium Bot has an integrated advanced Leveling-System. The Leveling System includes a feature called "Role-Rewards", which gives predefined roles to members if they reach a certain level. For this feature to work, Siva needs to have the "Manage Roles" permission.

Experienced Discord admins can remove this permission if they do not intend to use the Level module or if they already implemented another Level Bot for Reward Roles. It is important to reassign the permission if the Siva Level System will be used or re-activated in the future.

2. Read Messages

As Engage2Earn is based on interactions like writing messages, Siva Bot needs the "Read Messages" permission, to keep track of engagements.

3. Send Messages

So-called "Slash Commands" are used to control Siva Bot from within Discord. These Commands output details about e.g. a users balance (command: /balance). For this to work, Siva Bot needs to have the "Send Messages" permission.

Users can choose to withdraw ยตSIVA to various Crypto Currencies and Tokens. We promote our partners and provide additional value for users, giving them easy access to further details about projects, by embedding Links to the website of supported projects. For these Links to work, Siva Bot requires "Embed Links" permission.

5. Attach Files

A Mintpass NFT enables the withdraw functionality (read more about Mintpass NFTs) and we visually indicate if a user has activated a Mintpass by sending a small image of the detected Pass. These commands require the "Attach Files" permission.

6. Read Message History

It can happen that messages in Discord are not found in the so-called "cache" and as the Sivacoin Ecosystem has a feature that rewards message authors if users add a reaction, it needs the "Read Message History" to fetch "un-cached" messages on the fly and reward its author.

Last updated