
A list of all available commands for the Siva Discord Bot.

Module: Engage2Earn

  1. /balance - Check your current ยตSIVA Balance

  2. /connect-wallet - Connects a wallet and enables benefits

  3. /disconnect-wallet - Disconnects a wallet and disables benefits

  4. /rewards - List of currently configured rewards

  5. /withdraw - Withdraws ยตSIVA and mints selected Coins or Tokens to your Wallet Address (resets ยตSIVA Balance on success)

Module: AI & Utility

  1. /hellosiva - Show a short introduction to the Siva ecosystem

  2. /asksiva - AI implementation to answer all Web3 questions

  3. /help - Shows a list of available bot commands

Module: Levels

  1. /level - Shows your level card, XP, and details

  2. /levels - Shows configured levels for the server

  3. /setchannel - Sets a new channel for Siva messages (admin only)

Last updated